En Mono is the solo
project of the 24 years old ambitious musician Ramón Kailani.
It's an initiative that thanks its existence
to the impulses of inspirational explosions.
The songwriting is a mix of diffrent music styles
such as: jazz, latin, bossa, flamenco, klezmer, surf,
pop etc. The live performances of En Mono still have the variation of diffrent
music styles, wich make them exciting, easy
listening, danceable and stuck in your memories for a while. This all is acchieved by live looping* by one multi instrumentalist:
Percussion, drums, guitar, trumpet, bass guitar, flute etc. artistically mixed together.
(*Live looping: playing, recording and looping diffrent instruments live making a "one man band". Nothing pre recorded)
En Mono is short for: En Monólogo (In Monologue)
En Mono is het soloproject van de jonge ambitieuze Ramón Kailani. Hiermee is hij sinds 2005 op vele podia en festivals te zien geweest in Nederland en in het buitenland. Momenteel werkt hij aan nieuw materiaal voor zijn nieuwe plaat en probeert hij zo veel mogelijk live te spelen.
Op het podium staat hij in zijn eentje en speelt meerdere instrumenten terplekke laag voor laag in en laat ze terugkomen door ze live te loopen. Hiermee is hij een hele band, maar dan alleen. De liedjes zijn (letterlijk en figuurlijk)gelaagd, hebben veel dynamiek en zijn prettig om naar te luisteren, doch erg swingend. Ramón speelt: jazz, klezmer, latin, flamenco, Afrikaanse muziek, pop en rock&roll en zingt in het Spaans, Engels, Arabisch en Hebreeuws. http://www.enmono.com
En Mono is kort voor En Monólogo (In Monoloog)
About Ramón Kailani:
Ramón started at young age playing selfmade songs in bands and solo. Hunderds of live performances followd, many songs were recorded and nearly every music style is played and fusioned. Now Ramón is concentrating on his solo project: En Mono. This project started in 2003 and has had seen alot of transformations. It started as a "lo fi", in mono recorded (en mono) 50ies afro cuban jazz moods project. After a while it became the singer/songwirter project with alot of solo shows. Then the band came in the play. Diffrent bandmembers and alot of diffrent styles were played. Finally and untill now the formation changed again into a solo thing. But not an ordinary solo thing. As you might have seen him play somewhere , Ramón multiplies himself and plays diffrent instruments and sings with up to 10 voices at the same time. Some people describe it as maggic. But it's not: Ramón just shows on stage the art of making the structure of a song. He plays the instruments and sings layer by layer live. So nothing pre recorded. Always wanted to look inside a production studio to see how songs are build? Now it's your chance to see it live! This is called "live looping".
"It's all about the energy" That's where the live shows stand for. It's really nothing you have ever seen before. En Mono is like an one man army, coming to conquer all the stages in your town. En Mono is a one man band.